Des images de la "Planète X" auraient été prises par le SPT

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Avertissement: article hautement douteux

Information ou désinformation ? Probablement un hoax compte tenu de la fragilité de l'hypothèse. Le doute reste néanmoins permis.

L'auteur de l'article (traduit de l'anglais) semble relativement sérieux dans sa démarche de recherche. Néanmoins le contexte de présentation de cet article laisse place à de nombreuses interrogations. Mes commentaires sont à la suite.

Merci à Charles d'avoir transmis ce document.

Permières images de la Planète X / Nibiru diffusées par un informateur anonyme du "South Pole Telescope" (SPT)

Marshall Masters - - 02-Mars-2008 - mise à jour: 05-Mars-2008

1. Introduction et premières découvertes


La première vidéo de NibiruShock2012 était très convaincante et nous avons publié une analyse détaillée de celle-ci sur le site Web yowusa. Cette vidéo était soit authentique (nous avons montré qu'elle ne pouvait être faite avec Photoshop) [NdT: référence ??] soit un canular sophistiqué.

Puis NibiruShock2012 a récemment posté une deuxième vidéo en réponse à notre article et nous avons nous-mêmes répondu avec une vidéo YouTube. Nous avions un objectif en tête: voir si, à l'instar des joueurs de poker, NibiruShock2012 tenterait d'augmenter sa mise.

NibiruShock2012 ensuite affiché une troisième vidéo intitulée "(20) (8) (9) (19) (9) (19) (1) (8) (15) (1) (24)" en réponse à notre vidéo, avec la message suivant:
   THIS--- (20) (8) (9) (19)
   IS ---------( 9) (19)
   A ----------- ( 1)
   HOAX --- ( 8) (15) (1) (24)

Il est important de remarquer que, quelle que soit la personne qui a diffusé ce troisième message sous le pseudonyme NibiruShock2012, elle est restée comme précédemment, anonyme. Par conséquent, jusqu'à ce que la ou les personnes qui ont diffusé ces vidéos se manifestent ouvertement, il reste impossible de dire qui est l'auteur de ce troisième message.

Ceux qui prétendent que la planète X / Nibiru n'existe pas insistent toujours sur l'existence de preuves irréfutables. "Montrez-moi des images", martèlent-ils avec raison. Nous aussi, nous avons vu de nombreuses photos et de vidéos de la planète X qui au fil des ans ne s'avéraient être que des canulars.

Toutefois, nous ne cautionnons non plus pas le ton caustique et la sentence auto-contenue de l'abrasif "montrez-moi les images" des debunkers, car emplie de préjugés.

Cependant, comme le dit l'ancien adage chinois, "Faites attention à ce que vous souhaitez, ces souhaits pourraient prendre vie". En effet, nous avons maintenant ce que nous considérons être la première preuve crédible d'images de la planète X / Nibiru, par une chaîne d'information qui conduit jusqu'au au "South Pôle Telescope" (SPT) situé en Antarctique.

Le 20 février 2008, un réalisateur sur Youtube postant depuis la suisse et portant le pseudonyme NibiruShock2012 a diffusé des images de la planète X qui auraient été prises par le "South Pole Telescope" (SPT). Intitulé "Nibiru / Planet X, photos prises en Janvier 2008", cette vidéo a été consultée plus de 39000 fois depuis sa date de sa publication.

Article Update #1 — 03-March-2008

A second video was released by NibiruShock2012 the day after we first published this article, and is embedded herein for reference.

Please note; the analysis in this article only addresses the first video posted on February 20, 2008.

Response Video #1 — 05-March-2008

This our response video on YouTube to NibiruShock2012's first two videos.

We've posed several key questions to NibiruShock2012 and look forward to a response.

False Color Images

A common reaction to these NibiruShock2012 images is that they are impossible with a submillimeter wave telescope such as the South Pole Telescope (SPT). However, it is common practice to render the images obtained from such telescopes as "false color images."

Chandra Images & False Color

Light SpectrumImages taken by telescopes that observe at the "invisible" wavelengths are sometimes called "false color images." That is because the colors used to make them are not "real" but are chosen to bring out important details. The color choice is usually a matter of personal taste, and is used as a type of code in which the colors can be associated with the intensity or brightness of the radiation from different regions of the image, or with the energy of the emission.

Chandra ImagesFor example, in the black and white Chandra X-ray image of the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A (Cas A) shown on the left, the darker shades represent the most intense X-ray emissions, the lighter shades of gray represent the areas of less intense emission, and the white areas represent the areas of little to no emission. In the yellow and orange version in the middle, a different "color code" was shown. There, the white and yellow colors represent the areas of highest X-ray intensity, the orange to red areas represent the areas of lower intensity, and the black represents little or no emission.

It is important to note that, absent independent confirmation, we cannot authenticate these "false color images." However, the aspects of this story that compel us to declare this a video a credible, "unofficial" leak are as follows:

  1. SPT Mystery Teams
  2. Intelligence Cover-up
  3. International Informant Chain
  4. NibiruShock2012 Images

Following a brief overview of the South Pole Telescope, this introduction will briefly discuss each of these aspects. The South Pole Telescope (SPT)

In April 2006, was the first to break the SPT story in the context of Planet X / Nibiru research., 26-April-2006 South Pole Telescope (SPT) — America’s New Planet X Tracker

South Pole Telescope (SPT) — America’s New Planet X TrackerNow we have the corroboration we've lacked for years, The South Pole Telescope (SPT). Far more powerful capable and survivable than the 1983 IRAS spacecraft and Hubble Space Telescope put together, this manned observatory will soon begin tracking Planet X / Nibiru from the pristine skies of Antarctica.

Why is America spending a massive fortune to transport this massive facility with massive C-130 airlift to the most desolate, inhospitable and inaccessible region of the world to track this massive inbound? Because this is where astronomers will find their ultimate Kodak moment and this is good news. Their resulting multi-spectrum observations will translate into life-saving data.

In this article, we explain why the SPT is essentially the perfect instrument, at the perfect place and at the perfect time to observe Planet X / Nibiru, assuming a Southerly approach to the core of our system.

Since then, we've continually monitored the Internet for any late-breaking news articles, videos, etc., relating to this original April 2006 story. The first of note happened to be a YouTube video titled South Pole Telescope Commute, that was posted on December 28, 2007 by researchers at the SPT.

What we found interesting about this video was the great care the the researchers used to avoid showing us anything about this massive telescope, which is ostensibly funded by the US government for civilian research.

After all, geeks love nothing more than to show people their high-tech toys, and this video did everything but that. This piqued our curiosity because of a report by a reliable source in New Zealand just a few weeks earlier. SPT Mystery Teams

In mid-December 2007, long-time supporter Christopher Ferri, Founder and CEO of, an online merchant banking system based in New Zealand, contacted us with some very interesting information.

According to Christopher, several of his merchant members in New Zealand were discussing a troubling, new trend at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica, where the SPT is located.

In the normal course of events, C-130 flights to the Station make a stop in New Zealand to refuel and pick up additional supplies provided by local merchants and to provide transport for scientists traveling to the Station.

However, in December 2007, a troubling trend emerged. Secretive teams of researchers began arriving at the Station on non-stop C-130 flights from the US. While the distance is considerable, it is manageable, given that the C-130 is a military transport with mid-air refueling capabilities.

Christopher reported that his New Zealand merchants were hearing stories from non-American researchers, stating that these SPT Mystery Teams were showing up unannounced on non-stop flights to work for brief periods at the SPT. During those episodes, the SPT Mystery Teams kept to themselves and then left as they had come.

Given that the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station is a large, civilian international research base, the mysterious comings and goings of these special US teams was obviously troubling for civilian researchers from other countries.

This doubled our effort to maintain a vigilant lookout for any late breaking news regarding the SPT. It was for this very reason that we picked up on NibiruShock2012's Nibiru/Planet X photos taken January 2008 YouTube video a few hours after it went up. At that time, it had only been viewed 346 times, whereas it has already been viewed over 39,000 times as of this publication date.

At first glance, the video passed the most basic Photoshop hoax smell test, but was it authentic? Ergo, we had immediate questions, such as:

   * Where is this object in the sky?
   * Is it approaching us? How far out is it?
   * If so, will it speed up from where it is now until it passes closest to the Sun.

Absent a second source for verification, the logical approach is to vet the information with the source. In this case, that begins with NibiruShock2012, the YouTube Director who posted it. This is when we encountered what was clearly an intelligence cover-up. Intelligence Cover-up

Here, the author needs to momentarily switch to first person pronouns.

After coming upon NibiruShock2012's video on YouTube, I attempted to contact the director through the YouTube messaging system. My multiple attempts to make contact were being blocked, so I ran a few tests.

Please note, that while I am not willing to reveal my test method I will say that prior to starting my publishing company I worked in the computer industry for over 2 decades. During the last 8 years, I was a freelance senior technical writer/analyst in the Silicon Valley. I specialized in Internet data center technologies, and my client list included AT&T, HP, Lockheed Martin, Oracle and SUN Microsystems.

My test showed that my messages and channel comments to NibiruShock2012 were being sniffed and selectively blocked from inside the YouTube data center — but not by any YouTube servers!

Like they say in Washington, "it's the cover-up, not the crime," and this set off the alarm bells, and not only for us.

Other known Planet X researchers were seeing the same thing, and this is why I came into contact with Part 5 — Object Cluster author, Benjamin Cropley in the UK. He, like several other Planet X researchers in the UK, experienced the same packet sniffing and selective blocking, as well.

Since then, whoever was blocking our vetting efforts has removed the YouTube messaging and comment blocks, and there are now over 400 comments on this video. However, this amounts to nothing more than someone closing the gate after the horse has bolted. The "someone" is, of course, an American agency, but why? That question points us to the initial source of the leak. International Informant Chain

In Part 3 — Human Intelligence (HUMINT), Janice Manning uses all of the text embedded in and associated with the NibiruShock2012's Nibiru/Planet X photos taken January 2008 YouTube video.

According to her analysis, the video provides evidence of three separate, distinct "author's voices," to wit:

   * SPT Informant,
   * Video Producer,
   * YouTube Poster.

NibiruShock2012, the 37-year old YouTube Poster lives in Switzerland (a neutral country) and is the final person in this informant chain. However, the SPT Informant is most likely an employee of the American government with access to these images. This is the key element.

The SPT Informant clearly chose the representative samples of images in the NibiruShock2012 video for those willing to examine them in detail. NibiruShock2012 Images

Self-appointed debunkers have latched on to the About text in the NibiruShock2012 posting and used it to attack the video. They use a sloppy, agenda-driven approach. This is shown in Janice Manning's analysis. Her analysis shows us that NibiruShock2012 is essentially a technical illiterate, using publicly available material to introduce the video. The debunkers neglect to take the use of publicly available material into account.

Therefore, our analysis has centered on the thing, itself. That includes the images in the video posted by NibiruShock2012, the text embedded in that video by the telescope photographic camera and the Video Producer's CGI text.

   * In Part 2 — Hoax Claim Rebuttal, we present a detailed analysis of a recent hoax rebuttal on YouTube by ProjectStorm that, contrary to ProjectStorm's hoax claims, proves that images in NibiruShock2012's video were not created with Adobe Photoshop or a similar application.
   * In Part 4 — Satellite Orbits, Jacco van der Worp, MSc of the Netherlands uses a specially enhanced, inverse overlay to discuss the stable and unstable orbits of four satellites in orbit around the central object in this system.
   * In Part 5 — Object Cluster, Benjamin Cropley, an amateur astronomer and Planet X researcher in the United Kingdom, uses additional enhanced images to build on Jacco's findings and discuss the relevance of the NibiruShock2012 images to Andy Lloyd's Dark Star Kuiper Gap hypothesis.

Based on the respective efforts of the various members of this international analysis group, our initial findings are of critical import to all those with an interest in Planet X / Nibiru. Initial Findings

Based on our current findings, It appears to us that an American working on (or having access to) the SPT leaked the images to a foreign national, who then created the video and relayed it to a trusted third party Switzerland. It was then posted on YouTube.

  1. Given the scope of effort involved in bringing this video to the public's attention, we've yet to see any proof of a hoax. However, we cannot authenticate the images, either.
  2. Due to the YouTube sniffing and blocking experienced by Marshall Masters, Benjamin Cropley and other Planet X researchers in the UK, we believe this leak was over-managed by a security agency in a botched damage control effort. No doubt, the denials will be quick to come, but this singular aspect lends the single most convincing element of credibility to this informant leak story.
  3. This is obviously a concerted effort by a group of individuals.
     This group could be a informal network of alarmed people. The botched cover-up leads us to conclude that this was not a disinformation trial balloon effort, as some maintain.
  4. The intent of the informants is to create awareness. Their approach is noble and can in no way be viewed as a conspiratorial rant against any government.
  5. We advise continued monitoring of this Swiss leak source.

As we are unable to contact the any of the informants and cannot independently confirm this report as verified, we can only publish these series of articles as preliminary conclusions. As compelling as they are, they nonetheless must be viewed as speculative at this time.

We will continue to follow this story and report additional findings as they come to light. We can only hope the informants of these "unofficial" images release more of them, as they have promised.

—Marshall Masters, Publisher Your Own World USA

2. Revendication du hoax et réfutations

3. Renseignement humain

4. Orbite des satellites

5. Grappe d'objets