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Un article de U-Sphere.
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Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
<div class='fr_lang' style='padding:15px; background-color:#000; color:#fff; border-radius:5px;min-height:680px; font-size:120%'>
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<h2 style='color:#fff'>Bienvenue sur U-Sphere ! </h2>
<h2 style='color:#fff'>Bienvenue sur U-Sphere ! </h2>
[[File:U sphere earth system science.jpg|right]]
[[File:U sphere earth system science.jpg|right]]
U-Sphere (2004-2021) est un site qui aborde des sujets « limites » que nous avons tendance à éluder sous couvert de certitudes et préjugés, préjugés personnels dont nous ignorons le plus souvent l’existence. Des hypothèses sont ici exposées et testées au fil d’enquêtes de nature transdisciplinaire, souvent « hors du cadre ».
U-Sphere (2004-2021) is a site that tackles "borderline" subjects that we tend to avoid under the guise of certainties and prejudices, personal prejudices that we most often ignore. Hypotheses are exposed and tested here through multidisciplinary surveys, often "outside the box".
U-Sphere n’est pas strictement un site scientifique: il s'agit d'un laboratoire d’idées, de prototypage de concepts, de croisement de données, qui permettent de nourrir la réflexion. Dans le cas ou les hypothèses ici abordées s'avèrent suffisamment prometteuses, elles sont éventuellement développées avec des laboratoires scientifiques.
U-Sphere is not strictly a scientific site: it is a laboratory for ideas, for the prototyping of concepts, for the crossing of data, which provide food for thought. If the hypotheses discussed here prove to be sufficiently promising, they are possibly developed with scientific laboratories.
L'attitude est ouverte: j’évite toute croyance et accepte d'étudier toute possibilité un tant soit peu probable. A l'inverse, je n’ai aucun complexe à reconnaître et rectifier une hypothèse qui s’avérerait irréaliste ou « stupide ». Je suis à l’écoute et bienveillant envers les critiques, prêt à abandonner toute construction mentale ou tous travaux, aussi longs et fastidieux aient-ils pu être, si leur inanité est démontrée. De même, j'essaye de rester conscient du niveau spéculatif des hypothèses abordées, considérant qu'il s'agit aussi d'un jeu intellectuel. Ce détachement relatif aux sujets abordés me parait être une posture mentale indispensable.
The attitude is open: I avoid all belief and agree to explore any possibility that is even the least probable. Conversely, I have no complex in recognizing and correcting an assumption that turns out to be unrealistic or "stupid". I am attentive and benevolent to critics, ready to abandon any mental construction or any work, however long and tedious they may be, if their inanity is demonstrated. Likewise, I try to remain aware of the speculative level of the hypotheses discussed, considering that it is also an intellectual game. This detachment relative to the subjects discussed seems to me to be an essential mental posture.
Dans cet état d’esprit, je n’ai - non plus - aucun complexe à aborder des idées ou des sujets que de trop nombreuses personnes rejettent estimant les sujets « classés » / « fermés », même s'il ne devait exister pas moins de 1% de chances de découvrir « autre chose » :  
In this state of mind, I have - either - no complex to broach ideas or subjects that too many people reject considering the subjects "classified" / "closed", even if it should not exist less. 1% chance of discovering "something else":
* j'essaye de conserver un regard aussi ouvert que possible sur des réalités individuellement vécues et parfois trop cruellement écartées, c’est-à-dire par des explications simplistes. Sans toutefois perdre son esprit critique,
* I try to keep a look as open as possible on realities individually experienced and sometimes too cruelly dismissed, that is to say by simplistic explanations. Without losing his critical mind,
* je ne partage pas le positivisme béat de la fin du XX<sup>ème</sup> siècle: '''le principal défaut et naïveté de la pensée 'rationaliste' consiste à croire que la réalité s'arrête ou se borne à ce que l'homme connait'''. De trop nombreuses personnes « tuent leurs rêves » ou se forgent malgré elles des cages mentales, croyant naïvement que ce qui est écrit dans les livres est la seule Vérité. Le pire étant quand ces personnes deviennent prosélytes, au nom de leurs livres (qu'ils soient scientifiques, ufologiques, religieux et finalement quelle que soit la croyance), s'érigeant en « chevaliers blancs » et venant donner des leçons morales sur des façons « définitives d’interpréter la réalité ». Elles peuvent aussi chercher à trouver des explications à tout prix là où parfois il n'y en a tout simplement aucune qui ne soit pertinente en l'état de nos connaissances. L'humilité devrait être l'une de nos valeurs cardinales : apprendre à reconnaître nos défauts et nos limites, à décloisonner, à sortir de nos limites mentales pour aller à la rencontre de ceux que l'on ne comprend pas, notre inlassable quête. Et attention! Les livres sont bien entendu importants, mais plus encore de les croiser, de les critiquer et d'appendre à identifier les enjeux liés à l'information portée par ceux qui les communiquent.
* I do not share the blissful positivism of the end of the XX <sup> th </sup> century: '' 'the main flaw and naivety of' rationalist 'thought consists in believing that reality stops or is limited to what man knows' ''. Too many people "kill their dreams" or unwittingly forge mental cages, naively believing that what is written in books is the only Truth. The worst being when these people become proselytes, in the name of their books (whether they are scientific, ufological, religious and ultimately whatever the belief), setting themselves up as "white knights" and coming to give moral lessons on manners. "Definitive to interpret reality". They can also seek to find explanations at all costs where sometimes there is simply none that is not relevant in the state of our knowledge. Humility should be one of our cardinal values: learning to recognize our faults and our limits, to break out of our mental limits to meet those we do not understand, our tireless quest. And be careful! Books are of course important, but even more so to cross them, to criticize them and to learn to identify the issues related to the information carried by those who communicate them.
Évaluer et tenter de prouver des hypothèses qui sont aujourd’hui faiblement partagées est aussi une démarche intellectuelle qui, si elle est honnêtement menée, peut s’avérer riche de découvertes inattendues, et pour cela, la capacité d'autodérision et un certain humour distancié vis-à-vis de ses propres idées sont essentiels.
Evaluating and attempting to prove hypotheses that are today weakly shared is also an intellectual process which, if it is honestly carried out, can prove to be rich in unexpected discoveries, and for that, the capacity for self-mockery and a certain distanced humor with our own ideas are essential.
Bonne lecture,
Good reading,  
- Michaël Vaillant
- Michaël Vaillant
Ligne 21: Ligne 21:
== Pourquoi U-Sphere ? ==
== Pourquoi U-Sphere ? ==
A ce jour, il y a {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} articles sur U-Sphere. Les lister de façon exhaustive serait fastidieux, mais généralement U-Sphere traite des relations entre l'homme et son environnement, en particulier la façon dont l'environnement module et influence l'évolution humaine. Sous ce prisme, ce site s'intéresse à l'émergence des symboles, des cultures et des civilisations...
To date, there are {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} articles on U-Sphere. Listing them exhaustively would be tedious, but generally U-Sphere deals with the relationship between man and his environment, especially how the environment modulates and influences human evolution. Under this prism, this site is interested in the emergence of symbols, cultures and civilizations ...
Le choix de ce nom désigne une posture de recherche: une approche de l'inconnu ("u"nknown) par les "sphères" environnementales (en lien avec cette nouvelle discipline, appelée "[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_system_science Earth System Science]"). Et d'observer en quoi des changements ou des modifications majeures de l'environnement sont susceptibles d'expliquer la présence ou l'émergence de phénomènes encore aujourd'hui inexpliqués : l'environnement en tant que générateur ou inducteur.
The choice of this name indicates a posture of research: an approach of the unknown ("u" nknown) by the environmental "spheres" (in connection with this new discipline, called "[https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki / Earth_system_science Earth System Science] "). And to observe how changes or major modifications of the environment are likely to explain the presence or emergence of phenomena still unexplained today: the environment as a generator or inducer.
Je m'appuie sur un postulat: l'homme du futur, s'il souhaite conserver un rapport harmonieux avec ses sphères environnementales devra devenir une sorte de "jardinier de l'univers", cultivant et protégeant avec bienveillance l'émergence de la complexité. L'aidant, partout où elle nait dans l'univers, à se développer et à grandir par elle-même, lui laissant toute liberté de s'autodéterminer. L'homme s'intéressera de plus en plus à la préservation des espèces, par une approche distanciée et au travers des [[risques systémiques environnementaux]].
I rely on a postulate: the man of the future, if he wishes to maintain a harmonious relationship with his environmental spheres, will have to become a kind of "gardener of the universe", cultivating and protecting with kindness the emergence of complexity. . Helping her, wherever she is born in the universe, to develop and grow on her own, leaving her complete freedom to determine herself. Man will be more and more interested in the preservation of species, through a distanced approach and through [[environmental systemic risks]].
Cette posture est celle aussi conduite par la recherche d'une forme de morale qui soit la plus universelle possible.
This posture is also the one driven by the search for a form of morality that is as universal as possible.
Cette "vision" a été utilisée pour fonder plusieurs pistes de réflexion et hypothèses de travail.
This "vision" was used to found several lines of thought and working hypotheses.
  Exemple: si une intelligence est à l’œuvre derrière les PAN (Phénomènes Aérospatiaux non Identifiés), au delà du cadre des observations individuelles, peut-on prouver qu'il existe une cohérence, et que cette cohérence à avoir avec l'environnement ? En effet, une intelligence qui s'inscrirait dans un cadre plus vaste laisserait, en filigrane, apparaître ses objectifs. Il faut pour cela analyser des signaux faibles enfouis dans le bruit de fond constitué par des dizaines de milliers d'observations et depuis plusieurs générations. Puis, dans le cadre d'U-Sphere, les mettre en rapport avec des déterminants environnementaux, susceptibles d'impacter à long terme les civilisations humaines.
  Example: if an intelligence is at work behind UAPs (Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena), beyond the framework of individual observations, can we prove that there is consistency, and that this consistency has to be had with the environment? Indeed, an intelligence which would be part of a larger framework would leave, in filigree, its objectives appear. To do this, it is necessary to analyze weak signals buried in the background noise made up of tens of thousands of observations and for several generations. Then, within the framework of U-Sphere, to put them in relation with environmental determinants, likely to impact in the long term the human civilizations.  
== Lire sur U-Sphere ==
== Read on U-Sphere ==
Le site d'U-Sphère est un wiki, et à l'évidence, un wiki ne se lit pas comme un blog ! J'ai choisi cette structure afin de faciliter ma prise de notes, transversale et informelle, et la création de liens entre les pages. Calquée sur le principe de la célèbre encyclopédie car la pensée humaine fonctionne en réseau, elle n'est pas linéaire. L'ensemble forme un immense puzzle, qui par ses contraintes internes, vont repousser certaines hypothèses à l'extérieur du champ des possibles, mais aussi permettre d'en intégrer d'autres, inattendues. Cela signifie aussi que de nombreux articles sont "cachés", enfouis derrière d'autres articles, il faudra parfois un peu de chance pour les trouver (!).
U-Sphere's site is a wiki, and obviously a wiki can't be read like a blog! I chose this structure in order to facilitate my note-taking, transversal and informal, and the creation of links between the pages. Modeled on the principle of the famous encyclopedia because human thought works in a network, it is not linear. The whole forms a huge puzzle, which by its internal constraints, will push certain hypotheses outside the field of possibilities, but also allow to integrate others, unexpected. It also means that many articles are "hidden", buried behind other articles, it will sometimes take a little luck to find them (!).
* Si vous suivez l'actualité d'U-Sphère, vous trouverez, ci-après, dans la section "Derniers articles publiés", les 6 derniers articles publiés
* If you follow U-Sphère news, you will find, below, in the "Latest articles published" section, the 6 most recent articles published
* Vous pouvez également suivre les articles publiés sur le blog d'U-Sphère (fermé à ce jour) et y apporter vos remarques et commentaires
* You can also follow the articles published on the U-Sphère blog (closed to date) and provide your remarks and comments.
* Si vous êtes nouveau, vous pouvez consulter la section "Principaux articles", qui récapitule les principales découvertes réalisées sur U-Sphère
* If you are new, you can consult the "Main articles" section, which recaps the main discoveries made on U-Sphere
* Enfin, si vous cherchez une information détaillée, un récapitulatif (non exhaustif) des articles, classés par chronologie.
* Finally, if you are looking for detailed information, a summary (not exhaustive) of the articles, classified by chronology.  
== Our environment and unexplained phenomena ==
== Notre environnement et les phénomènes inexpliqués  ==
U-Sphere traite des relations entre l'homme et son environnement. De l'acceptation de l'inconnu et l'intégration de nouvelles connaissances: comment l'homme peut-il modifier ses croyances pour mieux communiquer et s'intégrer dans ses sphères informationnelles?  
U-Sphere deals with the relationship between man and his environment. Acceptance of the unknown and the integration of new knowledge: how can humans modify their beliefs to better communicate and integrate into their information spheres?
<br />
<br />
Les [[OVNI]] (par extension les [[PAN]]) [[D%C3%A9pouiller_le_ph%C3%A9nom%C3%A8ne_des_OVNI_de_sa_gangue_irrationnelle#Introduction_au_rapport_COMETA|appartiennent à un domaine qui n'a pas encore fait de petits au sein de la communauté scientifique]].  
The [[UFO]](s) (by extension [[UAP]]) [[D% C3% A9pouiller_le_ph% C3% A9nom% C3% A8ne_des_OVNI_de_sa_gangue_irrationnelle # Introduction_au_rapport_COMETA | belong to a field which has not yet made children within the scientific community]].
Ce sujet est-il condamné à rester ainsi au ban de la science? Sinon comme un phénomène psychosocial? Seul l'avenir pourra nous le dire.  
Is this subject doomed to remain excluded from science? If not as a psychosocial phenomenon? Only the future can tell us.
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<br />
La démarche de ce site est d'aider (modestement) à opérer un changement, de montrer qu'il existe des pistes pour étudier ce phénomène, mais qu'aussi pour cela il faut créer des outils communs et apporter des moyens. Pour que, finalement, ce sujet puisse être débarrassé de son "exotisme" et être intégré dans le cadre d'une recherche plus traditionnelle.
The approach of this site is to help (modestly) to make a change, to show that there are avenues to study this phenomenon, but that also for this it is necessary to create common tools and provide resources. So that, finally, this subject can be rid of its "exoticism" and be integrated into the framework of a more traditional research.
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Sujets divers portant sur : ''l'Intelligence Artificielle'', ''la vie Extra-Terrestre'', et autres sujets ''meta-physiques'' illustrés de "cas limites".
Various subjects relating to: '' Artificial Intelligence '', '' Extra-Terrestrial life '', and other '' meta-physical '' subjects illustrated with "borderline cases".  
== Derniers articles publiés ==
== Latest articles published ==
Suite à un crash du disque dur du serveur d'OVH qui hébergeait ce site, U-Sphere est resté indisponible pendant près d'un an et demi.
Following a crash of the hard drive of the OVH server that hosted this site, U-Sphere was unavailable for almost a year and a half.
Je n'ai pas pu malheureusement récupérer les données brutes des mises à jour effectuées entre 2012 et 2019.
Unfortunately, I was unable to recover the raw data from updates made between 2012 and 2019.
A ce jour je ne dispose que de copies des articles manquants sous forme de textes et d'images qui seront remises progressivement en l'état.
To date I only have copies of the missing articles in the form of texts and images which will be gradually restored to their original state.
Les articles plus anciens (actuellement présents) correspondent à une sauvegarde de bas niveau que j'avais réalisée il y a bien longtemps de cela...
The older articles (currently present) correspond to a low level backup that I had made a long time ago ...
Ci-dessous, le niveau de spéculation est indiqué pour chaque article. Manipulant des hypothèses, certaines des idées s'avèrent plus ou moins éloignées de notre réalité. Penser "C'est possible" et non "Je crois/J'affirme" est mon parti pris. Cependant, si certaines possibilités existent, elles doivent être considérées à leur juste mesure, avec une grande prudence.  
Below, the level of speculation is shown for each item. Manipulating hypotheses, some of the ideas turn out to be more or less distant from our reality. Thinking "It's possible" and not "I believe / I affirm" is my bias. However, if certain possibilities exist, they must be considered properly, with great caution.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class = "wikitable sortable"
| -
! #
! #
! Spécul.
! Specul.
! Domaine
! Field
! Sujet
! Subject
! Niveau
! Level
! Description
! Description
| -
| 2015.10
| 2015.10
| 1/5
| 1/5
| Méthodologie d'enquête, Psychologie
| Survey Methodology, Psychology
| OVNI, Enquête
| UFO, Investigation
| Synthèse
| Synthesis
| [[De_la_difficile_neutralit%C3%A9_des_enqu%C3%AAtes_sur_les_OVNI/PAN |De la difficile neutralité des enquêtes sur les OVNI/PAN]]. Quelles différences fondamentales entre les approches « croyantes » et « sceptiques » et les difficultés inhérentes à chacune d'elles.
| [[De_la_difficile_neutralit% C3% A9_des_enqu% C3% AAtes_sur_les_OVNI / PAN | On the difficult neutrality of UFO / PAN investigations]]. What fundamental differences between “believing” and “skeptical” approaches and the difficulties inherent in each of them.
| -
| 2015.10
| 2015.10
| 1/5
| 1/5
| Mathématiques, Psychosociologie, Sociologie des valeurs, Philosophie
| Mathematics, Psychosociology, Sociology of values, Philosophy
| OVNI, Preuve
| UFO, Evidence
| Hypothèses, Données, Analyses, Synthèse
| Assumptions, Data, Analyzes, Synthesis
| [[Comment_peut-on_prouver_l%27origine_extra-terrestre_des_OVNI_%3F|Peut-on vraiment prouver l'origine exogène de certains OVNI(s) ?]] Sous la forme d'une question provocatrice, j'aborde le contexte des travaux menés ces dernières années et le chemin parcouru depuis. Comment ces travaux peuvent nous aider à mieux comprendre le phénomène ? Avec de nouveaux résultats mettant en lumière ou renforçant certaines pistes de réflexion.
| [[How_peut-on_prouver_l% 27 origin_extra-terrestrial_des_OVNI_% 3F | Can we really prove the exogenous origin of certain UFO (s)?]] In the form of a provocative question, I address the context of the work carried out in recent years and how far we have come since. How can this work help us better understand the phenomenon? With new results highlighting or reinforcing certain avenues of reflection.
| -
| 2015.06
| 2015.06
| 0/5
| 0/5
| Philosophie, Psychosociologie, Ecoystémique
| Philosophy, Psychosociology, Ecoystemic
| Justice, Harmonie
| Justice, Harmony
| Discussion
| Discussion
| [[Harmonie,_Beaut%C3%A9_et_Justice|Est-il juste de préférer naturellement le beau ?]] Est-il moral d'écarter certaines formes harmonieuses au détriment de formes mal-fonctionnelles ? Que penser de cette propension naturelle ?
| [[Harmony, _Beaut% C3% A9_et_Justice | Is it fair to naturally prefer the beautiful?]] Is it moral to rule out certain harmonious forms to the detriment of malfunctioning forms? What to think of this natural propensity?
| -
| 2015.04
| 2015.04
| 0/5
| 0/5
| 3D, modélisation
| 3d modeling
| Données, Analyses
| Data, Analysis
| [[%C2%AB_LAC_CHAUVET_%C2%BB_EGLISENEUVE-D%E2%80%99ENTRAIGUES_(63)_18.07.1952|Analyse et tentative de reconstitution 3D de 4 clichés pris par André Frégnale, ingénieur géologue, près du lac Chauvet (Puy-de-Dôme), le 18 juillet 1952]]. Ce cas fait partie des cas Français célèbres et résistant pour l'instant à l'analyse (article non terminé).
| [[% C2% AB_LAC_CHAUVET_% C2% BB_EGLISENEUVE-D% E2% 80% 99ENTRAIGUES_ (63) _ 07.18.1952 | Analysis and attempt at 3D reconstruction of 4 photographs taken by André Frégnale, geological engineer, near lake Chauvet (Puy-de - Dome), 18 of July of 1952. This case is one of the famous French cases and for the moment resistant to analysis (article not completed).
* En bonus, le lien vers le petit programme [http://www.u-sphere.com/_codes/3D/index.php d'analyse 3D] développé pour cette étude.
* As a bonus, the link to the small 3D analysis program [http://www.u-sphere.com/_codes/3D/index.php] developed for this study.
| -
| 2015.03
| 2015.03
| 0/5
| 0/5
| Cartographie, modélisation
| Cartography, modeling
| Rentrée atmosphérique
| Atmospheric re-entry
| Données, Analyses
| Data, Analysis
| [[Rentr%C3%A9e_atmosph%C3%A9rique_du_15.03.2015|Rentrée atmosphérique du 15/03/2015]], à 20h40 des centaines de témoins observent une énorme boule de feu depuis la Belgique, la France, l'Allemagne et enfin la Suisse.
| [[Rentr% C3% A9e_atmosph% C3% A9rique_du_15.03.2015 | Atmospheric reentry of 03/15/2015]], at 8:40 pm hundreds of witnesses observed a huge fireball from Belgium, France, Germany and finally the Swiss.
| -
| 2015.03
| 2015.03
| 1/5
| 1/5
| Orbitographie, modélisation
| Orbitography, modeling
| PAN, Rentrée atmosphérique
| PAN, Atmospheric reentry
| Données, Analyses
| Data, Analysis
| [[Rentr%C3%A9e_atmosph%C3%A9rique_du_05_11_1990|Le 5 novembre 1990]], des milliers de personnes observent une rentrée atmosphérique d'une ampleur exceptionnelle. Je fais le point sur les travaux de reconstitutions que j'ai réalisés.
| [[Rentr% C3% A9e_atmosph% C3% A9rique_du_05_11_1990 | November 5, 1990]], thousands of people observe an atmospheric reentry of an exceptional magnitude. I take stock of the reconstruction work that I have done.
| -
| 2015.01
| 2015.01
| 1/5
| 1/5
| Nucléaire
| Nuclear
| PAN, Drones
| PAN, Drones
| www, Données
| www, Data
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/tTapqsrhArfVnxTozwK0Ljg/htmlview?pli=1 Liste des survols de sites nucléaires par des drônes], très bon travail de [https://twitter.com/VinzMoreau Vinz Moreau]. Mais quels types de drones s'agissait-il ? On ne sait pas. Cela veut-il dire qu'il n'y a pas de doutes ? Y. Rousselet (Greenpeace) d'ajouter : "Ces objets dont tout le monde parle mais que personne ne veut montrer".
| [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/tTapqsrhArfVnxTozwK0Ljg/htmlview?pli=1 List of drones overflights of nuclear sites], very good work from [https://twitter.com/VinzMoreau Vinz Moreau] . But what types of drones were they? We do not know. Does this mean that there are no doubts? Y. Rousselet (Greenpeace) to add: "These objects that everyone is talking about but that nobody wants to show".
| -
| 2014.08
| 2014.08
| 4/5
| 4/5
| Histoire, Géographie
| History geography
| Rêve Personnel
| Personal Dream
| Données, Analyse, Découverte
| Data, Analysis, Discovery
| [[Les_OVNI_et_le_troisi%C3%A8me_reich_(la_route_vers_l%27Agartha)|Les OVNI et le troisième reich (la route vers l'Agartha)]] : évocation de la fuite des Nazis en 1946 et d'un passage sous le continent Antarctique pour les sous-marins. Les récentes cartes sous-glaciaires antarctiques semblent ne pas l'exclure.
| [[Les_OVNI_et_le_troisi% C3% A8me_reich_ (la_route_vers_l% 27Agartha) | UFOs and the third reich (the road to Agartha)]]: evocation of the escape of the Nazis in 1946 and of a passage under the Antarctic continent for the under -marines. Recent Antarctic subglacial maps do not seem to exclude this.
| -
| 2012.01
| 2012.01
| 0/5
| 0/5
| Psychologie
| Psychology
| États modifiés de conscience
| Altered states of consciousness
| Données, Analyse
| Data, Analysis
| [[Exp%C3%A9rience_sur_les_r%C3%AAves|Expérience sur les rêves]] menée par le psychologue Richard Wiseman. Une courte comparaison - instructive - entre les rêves des hommes et des femmes révèle notre psychisme et les valeurs qui nous animent.
| [[Exp% C3% A9rience_sur_les_r% C3% AAves | Experiment on dreams]] conducted by psychologist Richard Wiseman. A short - instructive - comparison between the dreams of men and women reveals our psyche and the values ​​that drive us.
| -
| 2010.12
| 2010.12
| 5/5
| 5/5
| Théologie, Photographie
| Theology, Photography
| Sindonologie
| Sindonology
| Hypothèses
| Hypotheses
| [[Le_Suaire_de_Turin|Le Suaire de Turin]] : un faux aurait-il été fabriqué au début du XX°ième siècle ? Les "ummites" et des "crop-circles makers" dénoncent.
| [[Le_Suaire_de_Turin | The Shroud of Turin]]: would a fake have been made at the beginning of the 20th century? The "ummites" and "crop-circles makers" denounce.
| -
| 2010.10
| 2010.10
| 1/5
| 1/5
| Sociologie, Symbolique
| Sociology, Symbolic
| Agroglyphes
| Agroglyphs
| Synthèse
| Synthesis
| [[Tableau_chronologique_des_Crop-Circles#La_th.C3.A9orie_pr.C3.A9sent.C3.A9e_sur_U-Sphere|Tableau chronologique des Crop-Circles]] : synthèse des symboles de nature anthropique. Point sur les travaux de Carl Calleman.
| [[Chronological_table_of
| [[Table_chronologique_des_Crop-Circles # La_th.C3.A9orie_pr.C3.A9sent.C3.A9e_sur_U-Sphere | Chronological table of Crop-Circles]]: synthesis of anthropogenic symbols. Update on the work of Carl Calleman.
| -
| 2010.09
| 2010.09
| 3/5
| 3/5
| Sociologie, Symbolique
| Sociology, Symbolic
| Agroglyphes
| Agroglyphs
| Hypothèses
| Hypotheses
| [[Crop_circles_2010_-_pr%C3%A9visions|Crop circles 2010 - prévisions]] : tentative d'anticipation de certains crop-circles devant survenir cette année.
| [[Crop_circles_2010 _-_ pr% C3% A9visions | Crop circles 2010 - forecasts]]: attempt to anticipate certain crop circles due to occur this year.
| -
| 2010.08
| 2010.08
| 1/5
| 1/5
| Astronomie, Théorie d'apprentissage
| Astronomy, Learning Theory
| PAN, Soleil
| PAN, Sun
| Hypothèses, Découverte
| Hypotheses, Discovery
| [[Corr%C3%A9lation_des_observations_OVNI_avec_le_Soleil|Corrélation des observations OVNI avec le Soleil]] sur 17714 observations y a t-il une corrélation avec le soleil ? Pas d'évidence claire. Toutefois, l'analyse fréquentielle indique que le phénomène parait se comporter comme un système d'apprentissage supervisé.
| [[Corr% C3% A9lation_des_observations_OVNI_avec_le_Soleil | Correlation of UFO observations with the Sun]] out of 17714 observations is there a correlation with the sun? No clear evidence. However, frequency analysis indicates that the phenomenon appears to behave like a supervised learning system.
'''Niveau spéculatif'''
'' 'Speculative level' ''
<br>0: Aucun/Données/Information/Actualité
<br> 0: None / Data / Information / News
<br>1: Consensus, points discutables
<br> 1: Consensus, moot points
<br>2: Pas de consensus clair
<br> 2: No clear consensus
<br>3: Ouvert
<br> 3: Open
<br>4: Improbable, manipulation d'idées et réflexions ouvertes, permettant éventuellement de déboucher sur de nouvelles hypothèses
<br> 4: Improbable, manipulation of open ideas and reflections, possibly leading to new hypotheses
<br>5: Hautement spéculatif voire romanesque :)
<br> 5: Highly speculative even romantic :)
== Principaux articles==
== Main articles ==
Pour faciliter votre lecture, si vous êtes nouveau sur U-Sphère, le tableau ci-après recense les autres principaux articles. Ils m'ont généralement permis de découvrir un fait nouveau ou une information originale ou inédite.  
To facilitate your reading, if you are new to U-Sphere, the table below lists the other main articles. They generally allowed me to discover a new fact or original or unpublished information.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class = "wikitable sortable"
| -
! #
! #
! Spécul.
! Specul.
! Domaine
! Field
! Sujet
! Subject
! Niveau
! Level
! Description
! Description
| -
| 2010.08
| 2010.08
| 1/5
| 1/5
| Astronomie, Théorie d'apprentissage
| Astronomy, Learning Theory
| PAN, Soleil
| PAN, Sun
| Hypothèses, Découverte
| Hypotheses, Discovery
| [[Corr%C3%A9lation_des_observations_OVNI_avec_le_Soleil|Existe t-il une corrélation des observations d'OVNI avec le Soleil ?]]: sur 17714 observations y a t-il une corrélation avec le soleil ? Pas d'évidence claire. Toutefois, l'analyse fréquentielle indique que le phénomène parait se comporter comme un système d'apprentissage supervisé.
| [[Corr% C3% A9lation_des_observations_OVNI_avec_le_Soleil | Is there a correlation of UFO observations with the Sun?]]: Out of 17714 observations is there a correlation with the sun? No clear evidence. However, frequency analysis indicates that the phenomenon appears to behave like a supervised learning system.
| -
| 2010.04
| 2010.04
| 1/5
| 1/5
| Astronomie, Géologie, Physique
| Astronomy, Geology, Physics
| Soleil
| Sun
| Théorie, Hypothèses
| Theory, Hypotheses
| [[Risque_syst%C3%A9mique_solaire,_loi_de_puissance|Risque systémique solaire et lois de puissance]]. Interrogation sur la nature du risque solaire et son lien avec les tremblements de terre.
| [[Risk_syst% C3% A9mique_solaire, _power_law | Solar systemic risk and power laws]]. Question on the nature of solar risk and its link with earthquakes.
| -
| 2010.02
| 2010.02
| 4/5
| 4/5
| Information, Croisement
| Information, Crossing
| Escathologie
| Escathology
| Hypothèse, Analyse, Découverte
| Hypothesis, Analysis, Discovery
| [[Eschatologie_crois%C3%A9e|Eschatologie croisée]] : croisement de l'information et 'noyau dur' des prophéties. Émergence d'une cohérence ? (07/05/09)
| [[Eschatologie_crois% C3% A9e | Cross eschatology]]: crossing of information and 'hard core' of prophecies. Emergence of a coherence? (05/07/09)
| -
| 2009.08
| 2009.08
| 2/5
| 2/5
| Astronomie
| Astronomy
| Planète X
| Planet X
| Analyse, Hypothèse
| Analysis, Hypothesis
| [[Com%C3%A8tes_et_Plan%C3%A8te_X|Comètes et Planète X]] défauts dans la densité de répartition des comètes provenant des régions reculées du système solaire
| [[Com% C3% A8tes_et_Plan% C3% A8te_X | Comets and Planet X]] defects in the distribution density of comets from remote regions of the solar system
| -
| 2009.06
| 2009.06
| 1/5
| 1/5
| Sociologie, Symbolique, Méthodologie
| Sociology, Symbolic, Methodology
| Agroglyphes
| Agroglyphs
| Hypothèses, Découverte
| Hypotheses, Discovery
| [[M%C3%A9thodologie_de_calcul_des_dates_pass%C3%A9es_associ%C3%A9es_aux_Crops_Circles|Méthodologie de calcul des dates passées associées aux Crops Circles]] : un modèle précis à 10^-3 année près ?
| [[M% C3% A9thodologie_de_calcul_des_dates_pass% C3% A9es_associ% C3% A9es_aux_Crops_Circles | Methodology for calculating past dates associated with Crops Circles]]: a model accurate to within 10 ^ -3 year?
| -
| 2008.18
| 2008.18
| 0/5
| 0/5
| Sociologie, Symbolique
| Sociology, Symbolic
| Agroglyphes
| Agroglyphs
| Analyse
| Analysis
| [[Etchilhampton%20Hill,%20Wiltshire,%20Crop%20circle%20en%20forme%20de%20croix|Etchilhampton Hill, Wiltshire, Crop circle en forme de croix]] : un nouveau type de crop-circles anticipé.
| [[Etchilhampton% 20Hill,% 20Wiltshire,% 20Crop% 20circle% 20en% 20forme% 20de% 20croix | Etchilhampton Hill, Wiltshire, Crop circle in the shape of a cross]]: an anticipated new type of crop circles.
| -
| 2008.13
| 2008.13
| 3/5
| 3/5
| Futurologie
| Futurology
| Monde futur
| Future world
| Hypothèses, Spéculation
| Assumptions, Speculation
| [[Futurama]] un essai pour décrire le monde futur: vers un monde de lumières ou un monde de ténèbres ?
| [[Futurama]] an essay to describe the future world: towards a world of lights or a world of darkness?
| -
| 2008.06
| 2008.06
| 2/5
| 2/5
| Climatologie, Symbolique
| Climatology, Symbolic
| Agroglyphes
| Agroglyphs
| Théorie, Hypothèses
| Theory, Hypotheses
| [[Basculement_brutal_du_climat_%C3%A0_la_fin_de_la_derni%C3%A8re_%C3%A8re_glaciaire|Basculement brutal du climat à la fin de la dernière ère glaciaire]], Holocène et Crops-Circles.
| [[Basculement_brutal_du_climat_% C3% A0_la_fin_de_la_derni% C3% A8re_% C3% A8re_glaciaire | Abrupt change in climate at the end of the last ice age]], Holocene and Crops-Circles.
| -
| 2007.24
| 2007.24
| 2/5
| 2/5
| Climatologie, Symbolique
| Climatology, Symbolic
| Agroglyphes
| Agroglyphs
| Hypothèse, Découverte
| Hypothesis, Discovery
| [[Crop%20Circles%20et%20protohistoire%20humaine|Crop circles: impossibles scénarios ]] : l'hypothèse José Argüelles
| [[Crop% 20Circles% 20et% 20protohistoire% 20humaine | Crop circles: impossible scenarios]]: the José Argüelles hypothesis
| -
| 2007.08
| 2007.08
| 1/5
| 1/5
| Histoire, Environnement
| History, Environment
| Agroglyphes
| Agroglyphs
| Analyse, Découverte
| Analysis, Discovery
| [[Crop%20Circles%20et%20protohistoire%20humaine|Les Crop Circles nous repassent le film de la protohistoire de l'homme]]  
| [[Crop% 20Circles% 20et% 20protohistoire% 20humaine | The Crop Circles show us the film of the protohistory of man]]
| -
| 2007.17
| 2007.17
| 2/5
| 2/5
| Cas d'observation, Symbolique
| Case of observation, Symbolic
| Agroglyphe, Chibolton
| Agroglyph, Chibolton
| Analyse, Découverte
| Analysis, Discovery
| [[Crop%20Circles:010814_Chilbolton|L'exemple surprenant de Chilbolton]]: le fin mot de l'histoire ? [[Notes]]
| [[Crop% 20Circles: 010814_Chilbolton | The surprising example of Chilbolton]]: The bottom line? [[Notes]]
| -
| 2007.06
| 2007.06
| 3/5
| 3/5
| Histoire
| History
| Nazca
| Nazca
| Hypothèses
| Hypotheses
| [[Lignes_de_Nazca|Nazca : un réseau à l'écoute des "colères de la montagne"?]] [27/8 MàJ] Note complémentaire sur les pulsars ajoutée.
| [[Lines_de_Nazca | Nazca: a network listening to "mountain anger"?]] [8/27 Update] Additional note on pulsars added.
Liste plus complète des [[title=Articles_class%C3%A9s_par_chronologie|principaux articles classés par chronologie.]]
More complete list of [[title = Articles_class% C3% A9s_par_chronologie | main articles classified by chronology.]]
== Contacter l'auteur du site ==
== Contact the author of the site ==  
[[image:E-mail.jpg]] michael.vaillant@gmail.com
[[image:E-mail.jpg]] michael.vaillant@gmail.com

Version du 10:09, 14 juin 2021

Bienvenue sur U-Sphere !

U sphere earth system science.jpg

U-Sphere (2004-2021) is a site that tackles "borderline" subjects that we tend to avoid under the guise of certainties and prejudices, personal prejudices that we most often ignore. Hypotheses are exposed and tested here through multidisciplinary surveys, often "outside the box".

U-Sphere is not strictly a scientific site: it is a laboratory for ideas, for the prototyping of concepts, for the crossing of data, which provide food for thought. If the hypotheses discussed here prove to be sufficiently promising, they are possibly developed with scientific laboratories.

The attitude is open: I avoid all belief and agree to explore any possibility that is even the least probable. Conversely, I have no complex in recognizing and correcting an assumption that turns out to be unrealistic or "stupid". I am attentive and benevolent to critics, ready to abandon any mental construction or any work, however long and tedious they may be, if their inanity is demonstrated. Likewise, I try to remain aware of the speculative level of the hypotheses discussed, considering that it is also an intellectual game. This detachment relative to the subjects discussed seems to me to be an essential mental posture.

In this state of mind, I have - either - no complex to broach ideas or subjects that too many people reject considering the subjects "classified" / "closed", even if it should not exist less. 1% chance of discovering "something else":

  • I try to keep a look as open as possible on realities individually experienced and sometimes too cruelly dismissed, that is to say by simplistic explanations. Without losing his critical mind,
  • I do not share the blissful positivism of the end of the XX th century: 'the main flaw and naivety of' rationalist 'thought consists in believing that reality stops or is limited to what man knows' . Too many people "kill their dreams" or unwittingly forge mental cages, naively believing that what is written in books is the only Truth. The worst being when these people become proselytes, in the name of their books (whether they are scientific, ufological, religious and ultimately whatever the belief), setting themselves up as "white knights" and coming to give moral lessons on manners. "Definitive to interpret reality". They can also seek to find explanations at all costs where sometimes there is simply none that is not relevant in the state of our knowledge. Humility should be one of our cardinal values: learning to recognize our faults and our limits, to break out of our mental limits to meet those we do not understand, our tireless quest. And be careful! Books are of course important, but even more so to cross them, to criticize them and to learn to identify the issues related to the information carried by those who communicate them.

Evaluating and attempting to prove hypotheses that are today weakly shared is also an intellectual process which, if it is honestly carried out, can prove to be rich in unexpected discoveries, and for that, the capacity for self-mockery and a certain distanced humor with our own ideas are essential.

Good reading, - Michaël Vaillant

Pourquoi U-Sphere ?

To date, there are 4,946 articles on U-Sphere. Listing them exhaustively would be tedious, but generally U-Sphere deals with the relationship between man and his environment, especially how the environment modulates and influences human evolution. Under this prism, this site is interested in the emergence of symbols, cultures and civilizations ...

The choice of this name indicates a posture of research: an approach of the unknown ("u" nknown) by the environmental "spheres" (in connection with this new discipline, called "wiki / Earth_system_science Earth System Science "). And to observe how changes or major modifications of the environment are likely to explain the presence or emergence of phenomena still unexplained today: the environment as a generator or inducer.

I rely on a postulate: the man of the future, if he wishes to maintain a harmonious relationship with his environmental spheres, will have to become a kind of "gardener of the universe", cultivating and protecting with kindness the emergence of complexity. . Helping her, wherever she is born in the universe, to develop and grow on her own, leaving her complete freedom to determine herself. Man will be more and more interested in the preservation of species, through a distanced approach and through environmental systemic risks. This posture is also the one driven by the search for a form of morality that is as universal as possible.

This "vision" was used to found several lines of thought and working hypotheses.

Example: if an intelligence is at work behind UAPs (Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena), beyond the framework of individual observations, can we prove that there is consistency, and that this consistency has to be had with the environment? Indeed, an intelligence which would be part of a larger framework would leave, in filigree, its objectives appear. To do this, it is necessary to analyze weak signals buried in the background noise made up of tens of thousands of observations and for several generations. Then, within the framework of U-Sphere, to put them in relation with environmental determinants, likely to impact in the long term the human civilizations. 

Read on U-Sphere

U-Sphere's site is a wiki, and obviously a wiki can't be read like a blog! I chose this structure in order to facilitate my note-taking, transversal and informal, and the creation of links between the pages. Modeled on the principle of the famous encyclopedia because human thought works in a network, it is not linear. The whole forms a huge puzzle, which by its internal constraints, will push certain hypotheses outside the field of possibilities, but also allow to integrate others, unexpected. It also means that many articles are "hidden", buried behind other articles, it will sometimes take a little luck to find them (!).

  • If you follow U-Sphère news, you will find, below, in the "Latest articles published" section, the 6 most recent articles published
  • You can also follow the articles published on the U-Sphère blog (closed to date) and provide your remarks and comments.
  • If you are new, you can consult the "Main articles" section, which recaps the main discoveries made on U-Sphere
  • Finally, if you are looking for detailed information, a summary (not exhaustive) of the articles, classified by chronology.

Our environment and unexplained phenomena


U-Sphere deals with the relationship between man and his environment. Acceptance of the unknown and the integration of new knowledge: how can humans modify their beliefs to better communicate and integrate into their information spheres?
The UFO(s) (by extension UAP) belong to a field which has not yet made children within the scientific community. Is this subject doomed to remain excluded from science? If not as a psychosocial phenomenon? Only the future can tell us.
The approach of this site is to help (modestly) to make a change, to show that there are avenues to study this phenomenon, but that also for this it is necessary to create common tools and provide resources. So that, finally, this subject can be rid of its "exoticism" and be integrated into the framework of a more traditional research.
Various subjects relating to: Artificial Intelligence , Extra-Terrestrial life , and other meta-physical subjects illustrated with "borderline cases".

Latest articles published

Following a crash of the hard drive of the OVH server that hosted this site, U-Sphere was unavailable for almost a year and a half. Unfortunately, I was unable to recover the raw data from updates made between 2012 and 2019.

To date I only have copies of the missing articles in the form of texts and images which will be gradually restored to their original state. The older articles (currently present) correspond to a low level backup that I had made a long time ago ...

Below, the level of speculation is shown for each item. Manipulating hypotheses, some of the ideas turn out to be more or less distant from our reality. Thinking "It's possible" and not "I believe / I affirm" is my bias. However, if certain possibilities exist, they must be considered properly, with great caution.

- # Specul. Field Subject Level Description - 2015.10 1/5 Survey Methodology, Psychology UFO, Investigation Synthesis On the difficult neutrality of UFO / PAN investigations. What fundamental differences between “believing” and “skeptical” approaches and the difficulties inherent in each of them. - 2015.10 1/5 Mathematics, Psychosociology, Sociology of values, Philosophy UFO, Evidence Assumptions, Data, Analyzes, Synthesis Can we really prove the exogenous origin of certain UFO (s)? In the form of a provocative question, I address the context of the work carried out in recent years and how far we have come since. How can this work help us better understand the phenomenon? With new results highlighting or reinforcing certain avenues of reflection. - 2015.06 0/5 Philosophy, Psychosociology, Ecoystemic Justice, Harmony Discussion Is it fair to naturally prefer the beautiful? Is it moral to rule out certain harmonious forms to the detriment of malfunctioning forms? What to think of this natural propensity? - 2015.04 0/5 3d modeling PAN Data, Analysis [[% C2% AB_LAC_CHAUVET_% C2% BB_EGLISENEUVE-D% E2% 80% 99ENTRAIGUES_ (63) _ 07.18.1952 | Analysis and attempt at 3D reconstruction of 4 photographs taken by André Frégnale, geological engineer, near lake Chauvet (Puy-de - Dome), 18 of July of 1952. This case is one of the famous French cases and for the moment resistant to analysis (article not completed).
  • As a bonus, the link to the small 3D analysis program [1] developed for this study.
- 2015.03 0/5 Cartography, modeling Atmospheric re-entry Data, Analysis Atmospheric reentry of 03/15/2015, at 8:40 pm hundreds of witnesses observed a huge fireball from Belgium, France, Germany and finally the Swiss. - 2015.03 1/5 Orbitography, modeling PAN, Atmospheric reentry Data, Analysis November 5, 1990, thousands of people observe an atmospheric reentry of an exceptional magnitude. I take stock of the reconstruction work that I have done. - 2015.01 1/5 Nuclear PAN, Drones www, Data List of drones overflights of nuclear sites, very good work from Vinz Moreau . But what types of drones were they? We do not know. Does this mean that there are no doubts? Y. Rousselet (Greenpeace) to add: "These objects that everyone is talking about but that nobody wants to show". - 2014.08 4/5 History geography Personal Dream Data, Analysis, Discovery UFOs and the third reich (the road to Agartha): evocation of the escape of the Nazis in 1946 and of a passage under the Antarctic continent for the under -marines. Recent Antarctic subglacial maps do not seem to exclude this. - 2012.01 0/5 Psychology Altered states of consciousness Data, Analysis Experiment on dreams conducted by psychologist Richard Wiseman. A short - instructive - comparison between the dreams of men and women reveals our psyche and the values ​​that drive us. - 2010.12 5/5 Theology, Photography Sindonology Hypotheses The Shroud of Turin: would a fake have been made at the beginning of the 20th century? The "ummites" and "crop-circles makers" denounce. - 2010.10 1/5 Sociology, Symbolic Agroglyphs Synthesis [[Chronological_table_of Chronological table of Crop-Circles: synthesis of anthropogenic symbols. Update on the work of Carl Calleman. - 2010.09 3/5 Sociology, Symbolic Agroglyphs Hypotheses Crop circles 2010 - forecasts: attempt to anticipate certain crop circles due to occur this year. - 2010.08 1/5 Astronomy, Learning Theory PAN, Sun Hypotheses, Discovery Correlation of UFO observations with the Sun out of 17714 observations is there a correlation with the sun? No clear evidence. However, frequency analysis indicates that the phenomenon appears to behave like a supervised learning system.

'Speculative level'

0: None / Data / Information / News
1: Consensus, moot points
2: No clear consensus
3: Open
4: Improbable, manipulation of open ideas and reflections, possibly leading to new hypotheses
5: Highly speculative even romantic :)

Main articles

To facilitate your reading, if you are new to U-Sphere, the table below lists the other main articles. They generally allowed me to discover a new fact or original or unpublished information.

- # Specul. Field Subject Level Description - 2010.08 1/5 Astronomy, Learning Theory PAN, Sun Hypotheses, Discovery Is there a correlation of UFO observations with the Sun?: Out of 17714 observations is there a correlation with the sun? No clear evidence. However, frequency analysis indicates that the phenomenon appears to behave like a supervised learning system. - 2010.04 1/5 Astronomy, Geology, Physics Sun Theory, Hypotheses Solar systemic risk and power laws. Question on the nature of solar risk and its link with earthquakes. - 2010.02 4/5 Information, Crossing Escathology Hypothesis, Analysis, Discovery Cross eschatology: crossing of information and 'hard core' of prophecies. Emergence of a coherence? (05/07/09) - 2009.08 2/5 Astronomy Planet X Analysis, Hypothesis Comets and Planet X defects in the distribution density of comets from remote regions of the solar system - 2009.06 1/5 Sociology, Symbolic, Methodology Agroglyphs Hypotheses, Discovery Methodology for calculating past dates associated with Crops Circles: a model accurate to within 10 ^ -3 year? - 2008.18 0/5 Sociology, Symbolic Agroglyphs Analysis Etchilhampton Hill, Wiltshire, Crop circle in the shape of a cross: an anticipated new type of crop circles. - 2008.13 3/5 Futurology Future world Assumptions, Speculation Futurama an essay to describe the future world: towards a world of lights or a world of darkness? - 2008.06 2/5 Climatology, Symbolic Agroglyphs Theory, Hypotheses Abrupt change in climate at the end of the last ice age, Holocene and Crops-Circles. - 2007.24 2/5 Climatology, Symbolic Agroglyphs Hypothesis, Discovery Crop circles: impossible scenarios: the José Argüelles hypothesis - 2007.08 1/5 History, Environment Agroglyphs Analysis, Discovery The Crop Circles show us the film of the protohistory of man - 2007.17 2/5 Case of observation, Symbolic Agroglyph, Chibolton Analysis, Discovery The surprising example of Chilbolton: The bottom line? Notes - 2007.06 3/5 History Nazca Hypotheses Nazca: a network listening to "mountain anger"? [8/27 Update] Additional note on pulsars added.

More complete list of main articles classified by chronology.

Contact the author of the site

E-mail.jpg michael.vaillant@gmail.com